
Have you ever experienced the frustrating situation of turning on your Samsung TV and realizing there’s no sound? Trust me, I’ve been there, and it can damage your viewing experience.

In this article, we’ll explore some simple steps you can take to get your Samsung TV’s sound up and running again. Sound is a crucial part of the overall entertainment package.

Once we solve this issue, you can enjoy your favorite shows and movies without audio hiccups.

So let’s dive in and return the sound to your Samsung TV!

How to Fix a Samsung TV That Has No Sound

1. Check the Basics

Step 1: Check the Volume Settings

  • First, grab your Samsung TV remote and press the “Menu” button.
  • Navigate to the “Audio” or “Sound” settings using the arrow keys on your remote.
  • Make sure that the volume is not muted. If it is, unmute it by selecting the appropriate option.
  • Adjust the volume level to a reasonable level that you prefer.

Step 2: Verify the Audio Output Settings

  • Return to your TV’s “Audio” or “Sound” settings menu.
  • Look for the “Output” or “Speaker” options.
  • Ensure that the correct audio output source is selected. If you’re using the TV’s internal speakers, make sure they are selected. Choose the appropriate audio output source if you have external speakers or a soundbar connected.

Step 3: Test Different Audio Sources

  • If you have any external devices connected to your Samsung TV, such as a cable box or gaming console, check if the issue persists with those devices as well.
  • Switch to different inputs on your TV and test the sound with each input. This will help determine if the problem lies with a specific input or a general issue with the TV’s audio.

Step 4: Restart Your TV

  • Sometimes a simple restart can resolve minor issues. Turn off your TV using the power button or unplug it from the power source.
  • Wait for about 30 seconds before turning it back on.
  • Test the sound again after the TV has restarted.

Step 5: Check External Connections

  • Inspect the HDMI cables connecting your TV to external devices. Make sure they are securely plugged in at both ends.
  • If you have any external speakers or a soundbar connected, ensure they are properly connected to the TV and turned on.

Step 6: Try a Different Audio Cable

  • If you’re using an audio cable, such as RCA or optical, to connect external devices to your TV, try using a different cable.
  • Sometimes faulty cables can cause sound issues, so swapping it out with a new or known-working cable might solve the problem.

Step 7: Check for Software Updates

  • Go to the settings menu on your Samsung TV by pressing the “Menu” button on your remote.
  • Look for the “Support” or “Software Update” option.
  • Select “Software Update” and choose the “Update Now” option.
  • Allow the TV to check for any available software updates and install them if necessary.

Step 8: Reset Audio Settings

  • Find the “Audio” or “Sound” section in the TV settings menu.
  • Look for the option to reset audio settings or restore defaults.
  • Select this option to reset all audio settings to their original factory settings.
  • Note that this will reset any custom sound settings you may have adjusted.

By following these detailed steps, you can check the basics and troubleshoot any potential issues with the sound on your Samsung TV. If the problem persists after trying these steps, there are more advanced troubleshooting options that we can explore together.

Related: Fix: Samsung TV Red Light Blinking 5 Times

2. Troubleshoot External Devices

Step 1: Check HDMI Connections

  • Examine the HDMI cable connecting your external device (such as a cable box or gaming console) to your Samsung TV.
  • Ensure that the HDMI cable is securely plugged into the device and that the appropriate input is on your TV.
  • If you have multiple HDMI inputs on your TV, try connecting the external device to a different HDMI port to check for any issues with a specific port.

Step 2: Test with Different HDMI Cables

  • If you suspect the HDMI cable may be faulty, use a different one.
  • Swap out the current HDMI cable with a known-working one and check if the sound issue is resolved.
  • This will help determine if the problem lies with the cable itself.

Step 3: Power Cycle External Devices

  • Turn off your Samsung TV and the external device(s) connected to it.
  • Unplug the power cables of the TV and the external device(s) from the power source.
  • Wait for about 30 seconds before plugging them back in.
  • Power on the TV and the external device(s) and test the sound again.

Step 4: Check External Speakers or Soundbar

  • If using external speakers or a soundbar with your Samsung TV, ensure they are properly connected and powered on.
  • Double-check the audio connections between the speakers/soundbar and the TV.
  • Ensure the external speakers/soundbar volume is turned up and not muted.
  • Test the sound by playing something through the external speakers/soundbar to verify if the issue lies with the TV or the external audio devices.

Step 5: Try a Different Audio Output Source

  • Try switching to a different output source if multiple audio output options are available on your Samsung TV, such as internal speakers, external speakers, or HDMI ARC.
  • Access the TV’s audio settings and select a different audio output option.
  • Test the sound with each output source to determine if the problem is specific to a particular output.

Step 6: Update External Device Firmware

  • If the external device connected to your Samsung TV has its firmware or software, check for any available updates.
  • Refer to the external device’s user manual or manufacturer’s website for instructions on updating its firmware/software.
  • Updating the firmware/software of the external device may resolve compatibility issues that could be causing the sound problem.

3. Reset Audio Settings

Step 1: Access the TV Menu

  • Grab your TV remote and press the “Menu” button.
  • This will open up the menu options on your Samsung TV screen.

Step 2: Navigate to the Audio Settings

  • Using the arrow keys on your remote, navigate to the “Settings” or “Setup” section of the menu.
  • Look for an option related to audio settings. It may be labeled as “Audio,” “Sound,” or something similar.

Step 3: Reset Audio Settings

  • Once you’re in the audio settings menu, look for an option to reset the audio settings.
  • It might be called “Reset Audio,” “Restore Defaults,” or something similar.
  • Select this option by pressing the corresponding button on your remote.

Step 4: Confirm the Reset

  • After selecting the reset option, a confirmation prompt may appear on the screen.
  • The prompt will typically ask if you want to reset the audio settings.
  • Read the prompt carefully and select the “Yes” or “OK” button to confirm the reset.

Step 5: Wait for the Reset

  • Once you’ve confirmed the reset, your Samsung TV will reset the audio settings.
  • Depending on your TV model, this process may take seconds or minutes.

Step 6: Reconfigure Audio Settings (if necessary)

  • After the reset, you may need to reconfigure some audio settings according to your preferences.
  • Navigate to the audio settings menu using the remote and make the desired adjustments.
  • You can adjust settings like volume, sound mode, equalizer, and other options.

Step 7: Test the Sound

  • Play some content on your TV, such as a movie or TV show, to test if the sound issue has been resolved.
  • Check if the sound is now audible and at the desired level.

4. Update Firmware and Software

Step 1: Access the TV Menu

  • Grab your TV remote and press the “Menu” button.
  • This will bring up the menu options on your Samsung TV screen.

Step 2: Navigate to the System Settings

  • Using the arrow keys on your remote, navigate to the “Settings” or “Setup” section of the menu.
  • Look for an option related to system settings or general settings.

Step 3: Check for Software Updates

  • Once you’re in the system settings menu, look for an option to check for software updates.
  • It may be labeled as “Software Update,” “Firmware Update,” or something similar.
  • Select this option by pressing the corresponding button on your remote.

Step 4: Connect to the Internet (if required)

  • You’ll need to establish a connection if your Samsung TV is not connected to the internet.
  • Navigate to the “Network” or “Internet” settings within the system settings menu.
  • Select the Wi-Fi network you want to connect to and enter the password if prompted.

Step 5: Check for Firmware Updates

  • Once your TV is connected to the internet, select the option to check for firmware updates.
  • Your Samsung TV will now connect to the update server and check for available updates.

Step 6: Download and Install Updates

  • If any updates are available, your TV will display a message indicating the availability of new firmware or software.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to download and install the updates.
  • Depending on the update’s size, this process may take several minutes.

Step 7: Wait for the Installation to Complete

  • While the updates are being installed, it’s important to allow the process to complete uninterrupted.
  • Avoid turning off or unplugging your TV during the installation.

Step 8: Restart Your TV (if required)

  • After installing the updates, your Samsung TV may prompt you to restart it.
  • Follow the instructions on the screen to restart your TV.

Step 9: Test the Sound

  • Play some content on your TV, such as a movie or TV show, to test if the sound issue has been resolved.
  • Check if the sound is now audible and at the desired level.

5. Check Sound Output Options

Step 1: Access the Settings Menu

  • Locate the Settings icon on your device. A gear or a cogwheel usually represents it.
  • Tap on the Settings icon to open the settings menu.

Step 2: Find the Sound or Audio Options

  • In the settings menu, scroll down or navigate to find the Sound or Audio options.
  • The exact name may vary depending on your device but should be related to sound settings.

Step 3: Open Sound Output Settings

  • Tap on the Sound or Audio options to access the sound settings page.
  • Look for an option called Sound Output or Audio Output. This is where you can choose the sound output source.

Step 4: Explore Available Sound Output Options

  • You will see a list of available sound output options on the Sound Output settings page.
  • These options may include Internal Speakers, Headphones, Bluetooth Audio Devices, HDMI Output, or other connected audio devices.

Step 5: Select the Desired Sound Output

  • Tap on the sound output option that you want to use.
  • For example, select the Headphones option to listen through headphones.
  • Select the HDMI Output option if you want external speakers connected via HDMI.

Step 6: Adjust Volume and Other Settings (if applicable)

  • You may have additional settings to adjust once you select the desired sound output.
  • These settings include volume control, equalizer settings, and audio balance adjustments.
  • Use the on-screen controls or sliders to make any necessary adjustments according to your preferences.

Step 7: Test the Sound Output

  • Play audio or video content on your device to test the sound output.
  • Ensure the sound comes from the selected output source (e.g., headphones or external speakers).
  • Adjust the volume as needed to achieve the desired sound level.


We covered various topics, including resetting audio settings, updating firmware and software, and checking sound output options. Following these step-by-step instructions, you should be able to troubleshoot and resolve common sound-related issues on your devices.

Remember, technology can sometimes be complex, but with a little guidance and patience, we can navigate through these challenges together.

I’m here to help, so feel free to reach out if you need more information or have any other topics you’d like me to assist with. Happy troubleshooting, and enjoy your enhanced audio experience!

Tim Miller

Tim has always been obsessed with computers his whole life. After working for 25 years in the computer and electronics field, he now enjoys writing about computers to help others. Most of his time is spent in front of his computer or other technology to continue to learn more. He likes to try new things and keep up with the latest industry trends so he can share them with others.

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