
SSH and SSHD are two important tools that I use regularly. As someone who relies on both tools to perform various tasks, I figured it was time to learn more about their differences.

Understanding the differences is essential if you want to use them effectively. In this article, we will dive into the nitty-gritty details of SSH and SSHD, including how they differ in functionality, their advantages and disadvantages, and how to determine which is best suited for specific use cases.

So, if you’re ready to become an SSH and SSHD expert, let’s get started!

What is SSH?

SSH is a network protocol created to secure communication between two computers over an unsecured network. With SSH, you can access remote computers, transfer files, and more, all while having a secure and encrypted connection between the two computers.

How Does SSH Work?

SSH establishes a secure connection between the client and the server, encrypting all data transmitted. When you connect to a remote computer using SSH, the client (your computer) requests the server (the remote computer) to start an SSH session.

The server then responds with a challenge, which the client must decrypt and send back. Once the server verifies the client’s response, the SSH session is established, and the two computers can securely communicate.

Advantages of Using SSH

Using SSH has several advantages over using an unsecured protocol like Telnet. Here are some of the top benefits:


SSH’s main benefit is its security. All data transmitted between the client and server is encrypted, making it much harder for anyone to eavesdrop and intercept the data.


SSH uses public-key cryptography to authenticate the server to the client. This means you can trust that the server you connect to is legitimate and not spoofed or malicious.


SSH can be used for various tasks, including logging into a remote computer, transferring files, and forwarding network traffic.

Disadvantages of Using SSH

Despite its benefits, SSH is not without its disadvantages. Here are some of the main drawbacks:


SSH can be more complex to set up than unencrypted protocols like Telnet, making it intimidating for beginners.

Resource Usage

Because of the encryption, SSH can be slightly slower and more resource-intensive than unencrypted protocols.

What is SSHD?

SSHD is a program that runs in the background on a server or computer and listens for incoming SSH requests. When a client (computer) connects to the server through SSH, the SSHD program receives the request and starts an SSH session to communicate between the two computers securely.

How Does SSHD Work?

SSHD works behind the scenes to allow secure communication between two computers. When you want to connect to a remote computer or server using SSH, the SSHD program on the server receives your request and initiates an SSH session.

During the SSH session, all data transmitted between the two computers is encrypted, ensuring a secure connection.

Advantages of Using SSHD

Using SSHD has several advantages, including:


Like SSH, the main benefit of SSHD is its security. All data transmitted between the two computers is encrypted, ensuring no one can eavesdrop or intercept the data.


SSHD uses public-key cryptography to authenticate the client to the server and vice versa. This means that both the client and server can trust each other and that there is no way for a malicious user to spoof either computer.


SSHD is a reliable communication protocol that handles lost connections and packets, ensuring the SSH session remains intact.

Disadvantages of Using SSHD

While SSHD provides many benefits, it is not without its drawbacks. Here are a few potential disadvantages:

Resource Usage

SSHD can be more resource-intensive than unencrypted protocols, affecting a server’s or computer’s overall performance.


Configuring SSHD can be complex, especially for inexperienced users. Ensuring that the server is secure and that access is granted only to authorized users requires advanced system administration knowledge.

Difference Between SSH and SSHD

SSH is used on the client side, meaning the computer that initiates the connection. SSH establishes secure sessions as a client-side tool and encrypts data transmitted between the two computers.

SSHD is used on the server side, meaning the computer that receives the connection. As a server-side tool, SSHD is responsible for starting SSH sessions, ensuring encrypted communication, and verifying client authentication.

SSH and SSHD are designed to ensure secure communication between two computers.

SSH and SSHD use public-key cryptography to authenticate the client and the server, ensuring each party can trust the other.

Regarding configuration, SSH and SSHD require different setup processes to ensure they are configured securely. SSH can be configured to use specific encryption algorithms and key lengths to enhance security.

SSHD must be configured to ensure that it listens only on the necessary ports, that login attempts by unauthorized users are blocked, and that access is granted only to authorized users.

SSH or SSHD: Which One to Use?


Use SSH when accessing a remote computer or server, transferring files, or running commands on a remote server. Here are some specific circumstances where SSH would be the better choice:

  • Remote Logins: Securely log in to a remote computer or server with SSH. This is particularly useful when managing a remote system from your local system.
  • File Transfers: Transfer files securely between two computers using SSH. This is particularly useful when you need to transfer confidential files or when working with a remote server.
  • Remote Command Execution: Execute commands on a remote server using SSH. This is particularly useful when installing or updating software on a server.


If you are managing a remote computer or server, SSHD is what you need. Here are specific circumstances where SSHD would be the better choice:

  • Remote Server Management: Use SSHD to manage a server remotely. You can configure settings, install or update software, and monitor the server using SSHD.
  • Multiple Users: SSHD is more suitable when multiple users need to connect to a server or when you need to grant different levels of access to different users.
  • Server-Side Scripting: If you’re running scripts on a remote server, SSHD is the better option. This is particularly useful when accessing a database or running server-side scripts for web applications.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Between SSH and SSHD

When choosing between SSH and SSHD, consider the following factors:

  • Security: SSH and SSHD are secure tools, but SSHD is more suitable when managing remote systems because it ensures that unauthorized users are blocked from gaining access.
  • Ease Of Use: If you need a tool that’s easy to use and doesn’t require advanced system administration knowledge, SSH is the better option.
  • Performance: SSHD can be slightly more resource-intensive than SSH due to its server-side nature, so if you’re running low on system resources, choose SSH.
  • Type of access needed: If you need to access a remote computer or transfer files, SSH is the better option. If you’re managing a remote server, SSHD is the better option.


Understanding the differences between SSH and SSHD is essential to securely access remote systems, transfer files, manage servers, or deploy web applications. While both tools have similar security features, their configuration processes differ depending on the task.

If you need to access a remote computer or transfer files, SSH is the better option. If you’re managing a remote server or multiple users need to access it, SSHD is the better option. It’s important to consider factors like security, ease of use, and performance when deciding which tool to use.

By being aware of these differences and choosing the right tool for the job, you can ensure that communication between two computers is secure and keep your data safe.

Tim Miller

Tim has always been obsessed with computers his whole life. After working for 25 years in the computer and electronics field, he now enjoys writing about computers to help others. Most of his time is spent in front of his computer or other technology to continue to learn more. He likes to try new things and keep up with the latest industry trends so he can share them with others.

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