
I’ve had the chance to troubleshoot countless laptops and address problems like malfunctioning keys. If you’re experiencing this issue with your HP laptop, you’re probably feeling frustrated and wondering what could be causing the problem.

In this article, I’ll go over the most common reasons why some keys may not work on an HP laptop and what you can do to fix them.

Possible Causes of Keys Not Working on an HP Laptop

There are several potential causes for keys not working on an HP laptop. Some of the most common include:

  • Hardware issues: One possibility is a hardware problem with the keyboard itself. This could be due to a damaged key or a problem connecting the keyboard and the motherboard.
  • Software issues: Another possibility is that there is a software issue causing the keys not to work. This could be due to a problem with the operating system, a driver issue, or a problem with a specific program.
  • Physical damage: If you’ve spilled something on your laptop or subjected it to physical trauma, this could cause the keys to stop working. In this case, it’s possible that the damage is too severe to repair, and you may need to replace the keyboard or the entire laptop.
  • Debris stuck under the keys: Debris can sometimes get under the keys, preventing them from functioning properly. This could be anything from food crumbs to dirt or dust.

How to Fix Keys Not Working on an HP Laptop

If you’re experiencing issues with keys not working on your HP laptop, here are some steps you can take to try to fix the problem:

Step 1: Check for any visible damage

Before you start troubleshooting, look at the keyboard to see if you can spot any visible damage. Look for any bent or broken keys and any damage to the keyboard. If you notice any visible damage, it’s possible that the issue is hardware-related, and you may need to replace the keyboard or the entire laptop.

Related: HP Laptop Running Slow

Step 2: Restart your laptop

If you don’t see any visible damage, the next step is to try restarting your laptop. This can often fix minor software issues that may be causing the keys not to work. To restart your laptop, shut it down and then turn it back on.

Step 3: Check for debris under the keys

If restarting your laptop didn’t fix the problem, the next step is to check for any debris that may be stuck under the keys. This is especially likely if you’ve spilled something on your laptop or been in a dirty environment.

To check for debris, gently pry the keys with a small tool, such as a toothpick or a paperclip. Use a flashlight to look for any crumbs or dirt that may be stuck under the keys. If you find debris, use a small brush or a can of compressed air to remove it.

Step 4: Check for driver updates

If the keys still aren’t working after checking for debris, the next step is to check for any driver updates. Drivers are software programs that allow your operating system to communicate with your hardware, including your keyboard.

If you have outdated drivers, this could be causing the keys not to work. To check for updates, go to the manufacturer’s website and look for any available updates for your keyboard driver.

Step 5: Reset your laptop

If you’ve tried all of the above steps and the keys are still not working, the next step is to try resetting your laptop. This will restore your laptop to its factory settings and may fix any software issues causing the keys not to work.

To reset your laptop, follow these steps:

  • Back up your important files: Before resetting your laptop, back up any important files you don’t want to lose. Resetting your laptop will erase all of your files and settings.
  • Go to the “Settings” menu: From the Start menu, click on “Settings” and then click on “Update & Security.”
  • Click on “Recovery”: Navigate to the left menu and select “Recovery.” Click “Get Started” in the “Reset this PC area.”
  • Follow the prompts: Follow the prompts to reset your laptop. This will take some time, so be patient.

Step 6: Contact a professional

If you’ve tried all of the above steps and the keys are still not working, the issue may be beyond your ability to fix it. In this case, it may be necessary to bring your laptop to a professional for repair.

A computer repair technician can diagnose the problem and recommend the best action.

Related: HP Pavilion vs Envy – Which is Best?


If some keys on your HP laptop are not working, it can be a frustrating and inconvenient problem. However, by following the steps outlined in this article, you may be able to fix the issue yourself. If you’re not comfortable troubleshooting the problem or if the keys are still not working after trying these steps, it’s a good idea to bring your laptop to a professional for repair.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I fix keys not working on my HP laptop myself?

It’s possible to fix keys not working on an HP laptop, depending on the cause of the problem. If the issue is due to debris stuck under the keys or outdated drivers, you’ll likely be able to fix the problem by following the steps outlined in this article.

However, if the issue is due to hardware damage or a more complex software problem, it may be necessary to bring your laptop to a professional for repair.

Is it worth it to fix keys not working on my HP laptop?

Whether it’s worth it to fix keys not working on your HP laptop depends on the repair cost and the laptop’s age. If you have an older laptop experiencing multiple issues, it may be more cost-effective to replace it rather than spend money on repairs.

On the other hand, if you have a newer laptop with only a few keys not working, it may be worth having it repaired.

Can I use a wireless keyboard as a temporary fix for keys not working on my HP laptop?

If you’re experiencing issues with keys not working on your HP laptop and need a temporary fix, it’s possible to use a wireless keyboard as a workaround. This will allow you to continue using your laptop while troubleshooting the issue with the built-in keyboard.

To use a wireless keyboard, you’ll need to ensure that your laptop is compatible and has a Bluetooth connection.

What should I do if I spilled something on my laptop and now the keys aren’t working?

If you’ve spilled something on your laptop and the keys are not working, it’s important to act quickly. For details on how to fix this issue, follow my guide on How To Fix HP Laptop After Water Spill?

Tim Miller

Tim has always been obsessed with computers his whole life. After working for 25 years in the computer and electronics field, he now enjoys writing about computers to help others. Most of his time is spent in front of his computer or other technology to continue to learn more. He likes to try new things and keep up with the latest industry trends so he can share them with others.

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